I spotted this hat at a little shop on main street and fell in love with it. My parents surprised me with it and a pocket bible before they left. I think this is my new hairdo for the winter.
Farewell Fargo
I have owned only one vehicle since I got my license. We just traded it for the truck my parents brought out here. I LOVE the new truck, but I thought I would have a farewell post. This is the car that I had in high school and through collage. It was Fargo that I took on my tree day journey to Colorado through an ice storm and flat tire. I've had it for the three years that I've lived out here. I've camped in it, I've shuttled friends around, its been a blast. Well so long Fargo.
We had so much fun at a friends house. We watched Goosebumps, carved pumpkins, played Buck Buck, ate caramel apples, watched The Others. I love spending time with my fellow brethren.
In Buck Buck one team makes a human bridge, the other team jumps onto the bridge one by one until the bridge collapses. Whichever team can hold the most people wins.
Last Days Of Fall
I took some picture of our yard last week and it was beautiful but it snowed this week. Winter can be pretty too but fall only lasted a month here. I am sad to see it go.
Family Visit Part One
As you know, my parents came to Colorado last week. What you might not have known was that they were bringing us a new truck and they took my explorer back to Arkansas with them. I was so excited. It had been over 6 months since I had last seen them.
They also brought Mr. Bubbles to my Aunt. She adopted him from a shelter in Arkansas.
Then we ate.
Brett, my brother, his wife, and I set out for Applefest. Jessica (sis-in-law) loves ice cream and knows ever place that you could get the absolute best. So in Cedaredge we were treated to a cone. It was very good and the store had a very familiar atmosphere. It was so packed full of antiques you could barely move. It really reminded me of Arkansas. Then we stopped at several yard sales as we were still trying to get to Applefest. Though there were a bunch of sales, we were unable to find anything worth taking home. By the time we arrived to the festival it was over and everything was being packed up. Bummer. Maybe next year.