Crazy Summer Part 4

The Sunday before I left for Arkansas, the topic at church was prayer. One of my friends had mentioned that he tries to pray about every little decision in life. He even prays about what seat on a plane to choose. I thought I would try to do this and see how it could improve my walk with God. So I had prayed about my seat partner on the plane then actually forgot that I had prayed about it. Until this wonderful man sat next to me on my 3 1/2 hr flight. You see, one of my 3 grandpas passed away since I moved to Colorado and I was unable to go see him while he was sick or even be able to go to his funeral. My brother and I were just talking about how much we hate that we could not say goodbye. Well God knew what I needed more than I did so he sent me Mr. Dan. It was as if I was given 3 1/2 hrs with Gramps. I will not forget Dan or our conversations and I feel truly blessed to have met him.

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